Lawrence Woods
Board Certified Massage Therapist

My Credentials

Certified Neural Reset Therapist

Lawrence is the originator of this work which is now taught by a staff of instructors across the USA. For further details, see the official website at

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork is the highest voluntary credential a massage therapist can obtain within the profession—it is above and beyond entry level state licensure. By becoming Board Certified, I represent a community of therapists who have gone above standard educational and work experience requirements with a dedicated and lifelong commit to continuing education. Furthermore, I live up to higher standards and ethics in alignment with The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).

To achieve my Board Certification, I provided proof of a minimum of 750 hours of education, 250 hours of professional, hands-on work experience, passed a criminal background check, agreed to uphold NCBTMB's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, and passed the Board Certification Exam. By passing the BCETMB and meeting all requirements, I demonstrate advanced assessment and critical thinking skills, as well as a commitment to excellence. I wear the credentials BCTMB with pride for myself, my profession, and, most importantly, my clients.

Indiana University - 3 degrees including a bachelor of science in Dental Hygiene/Public Health.

His formal education includes a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene/Public Health. His original major was in chemistry and worked in chemical research for a major company in Chicago in his youth. Later on, he also worked in medical research at Columbia University in New York City.

Arizona licensed massage therapist

Describe your credential here

Indiana state licensed massage therapist

Lawrence has been licensed by the state of Indiana since the inception of licensure for massage therapists. He also holds a license in dental hygiene.

Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT)

Lawrence was certified at the highest level by Paul St. John,  the father of neuromuscular therapy in the USA, in 1997.

Craniosacral Therapy

The Upledger Institute certified Lawrence in 1998 for the practice of craniosacral therapy.

MyoSkeletal Alignment

Dr. Erik Dalton created his own approach in myofascial release from the original teachings of Ida Rolf.

Certified Advanced Practitioner

Lawrence was a student of Sandy Fritz of Lapeer, Michigan. She is the author of numerous textbooks and videos for the massage schools in the United States. After completing his massage school education at her school, he also completed the advanced program of 2000 hours under her tutelage.